131. Beware the Little Foxes

Think small sins don't matter? Find out why "little foxes" can be more dangerous than big obstacles in your spiritual journey. Today we are going to talk about how it is not always the big boulder that will stop you; sometimes it is the little pebble in your shoe.

131. Beware the Little Foxes

130. Saying No

Struggling to say no? Discover how to stop being a people pleaser and start living true to your beliefs and values. Today, we will talk about how we should have confidence in ourselves and not pander to other people.

130. Saying No

129. Money. Money. Money.

Can money buy happiness? Discover why a simpler life might bring more joy and how to keep the proper perspective on wealth. Today, we will talk about how you can buy many things with money, but you can’t buy happiness.

129. Money. Money. Money.

128. Be Like A Pitbull

Struggling to achieve your goals? Find out how adopting a pitbull-like determination can help you overcome setbacks and succeed. Today, we will talk about how we need to be like a Pitbull if we want to achieve anything in life.

128. Be Like A Pitbull

127. Nothing is Permanent

Taking life for granted? Find out why embracing impermanence can lead to more meaningful relationships and wiser living choices. Today, we will talk about how we shouldn’t take anything for granted because life can change instantly.

127. Nothing is Permanent

126. You’re Different Today

Have you changed in the last decade? Discover why it's crucial to recognize that others have changed, too, and how this can lead to reconciliation. Today, we will talk about how you are not the person you were ten years ago, and neither is anybody else.

126. You’re Different Today

125. Eternal Life For All

Feeling too comfortable in your faith? Explore how Thomas the Apostle's journey can inspire you to share the good news of eternal life with others. Today, we will talk about how a ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.

125. Eternal Life For All

124. Don’t Be A Know-It-All

Are you a know-it-all? Learn how to recognize the signs and transform into someone always eager to learn and grow. Today, we will talk about how we shouldn’t act like know-it-alls but be like learn-it-alls instead.

124. Don’t Be A Know-It-All

123. Getting Over Heartache

Struggling with a broken heart? Find out how to heal and move forward by forgiving, trusting God, and embracing new possibilities. Today, we will talk about how goodbyes are always sad, but hellos bring new adventures.

123. Getting Over Heartache

122. Stop Overthinking!

Trapped in a cycle of worry? Discover how to break free from overthinking and find peace through practical steps and faith in God. Today, we will talk about how we should stop overthinking if we want to save ourselves a lot of pain.

122. Stop Overthinking!

121. Your Pain Will Pass

Going through tough times? Learn how the phrase "This too shall pass" can bring comfort and why Christ's peace lasts beyond fleeting circumstances. Today, we will talk about how we should remember that bad times won’t last forever.

121. Your Pain Will Pass

120. Winning Against All Odds

Facing people who don't want you to succeed? Discover how to stay focused on your goals and trust in God's plan despite opposition. Today, we will talk about how some people don’t want us to succeed, but we shouldn’t let that discourage or stop us.

120. Winning Against All Odds

119. Health is Wealth

Neglecting your health? Find out why and how to care for your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, preventing illness and promoting wellness. Today, we will talk about how we shouldn’t take our bodies for granted but look after our health.

119. Health is Wealth

118. Let’s Talk About Love

Tired of falling in and out of love? Learn how to make love a daily choice and strengthen your relationship through effort and prayer. Today, we will talk about how love is more than a feeling; it’s a conscious decision.

118. Let’s Talk About Love

117. The Purpose of Life

Wondering about your purpose? Find out how following Jesus' command to make disciples can reveal your true identity and life's meaning. Today, we will talk about how one important day in our lives is when we are born; another is when we discover why.

117. The Purpose of Life

116. You Are Loved

Feeling unworthy to come to Christ? Learn about His unconditional love and acceptance, regardless of your struggles or past. Today, we will talk about how we shouldn’t be afraid of coming to Christ (or coming back to him) because he loves us like crazy!

116. You Are Loved

115. World Changers

Want to make a difference? Learn how "crazy" ideas, inspired by Jesus' teachings, can transform the world for the better. Today, we will talk about how the people who are crazy enough to want to change the world are the ones who do.

115. World Changers

114. Sonbathing

Feeling overwhelmed by life's shadows? Discover how to find hope and positivity by turning your face towards the Son. Today, we will talk about how we should keep our face to the sun if we don’t want to drown in the shadows.

114. Sonbathing

113. Be Like A Lion

Feel like a pushover? Learn to be like a lion, overcoming obstacles with the power, love, and self-discipline God gives you. Today, we will talk about how the size of the dog in the fight doesn’t matter; it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

113. Be Like A Lion

112. Changing People

Tired of trying to change others? Shift your focus to self-improvement and let God transform you into a new creation. Today, we will talk about how we should not try to change others but try to change ourselves instead.

112. Changing People

111. The Spice of Life

Stuck in a rut? Learn how to spice up your life by making minor changes to your routine and living more intentionally. Today, we will talk about how we should live less out of habit and more out of intent.

111. The Spice of Life

110. A Channel of Peace

Want to live out the Golden Rule? Discover how to treat others not just as you want to be treated but as God treats you. Today, we will talk about how we should do unto others as we would have others do unto us.

110. A Channel of Peace

109. Sing A New Song!

Told you can't sing? Ignore the naysayers and sing your heart out to God, just as the Bible encourages us to do. Today, we are going to talk about how we shouldn’t worry about what people say about our voices; if you want to sing, sing!

109. Sing A New Song!

108. Nothing Is Impossible

Want to achieve the impossible? Discover the power of determination and faith in overcoming obstacles, no matter how absurd the attempt. Today, we will talk about how, in order to achieve the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.

108. Nothing Is Impossible