08. The Struggle with Doubt

Note: These scenarios are not gender-specific. Depending on the sex of the person reading this, male and female roles can be switched.

You have been a faithful Christian for many years, actively involved in your church and striving to live according to God's Word. However, recently you have been going through a challenging season where you find yourself questioning your faith and struggling with doubts about God's goodness and presence in your life. You feel ashamed of these doubts and are unsure how to navigate this spiritual crisis. This is what you do:

a. You isolate yourself from your Christian community, fearing judgment and rejection if you share your doubts.

b. You put on a façade of strong faith, pretending everything is fine while secretly grappling with your doubts.

c. You start exploring other belief systems, thinking that you might find answers outside of Christianity.

d. You reach out to a trusted spiritual mentor or friend, honestly sharing your struggles and seeking guidance and support.

Doubt is a common experience for many Christians at some point in their faith journey. Even some of the most prominent figures in the Bible, such as John the Baptist and Thomas, experienced moments of doubt. It's important to remember that having doubts does not make you a bad Christian or indicate a lack of faith.

In fact, wrestling with doubts can be an opportunity for growth and a deeper understanding of God. As we bring our questions and uncertainties to Him, we open ourselves up to a more authentic and mature faith. James 1:5 encourages us, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."

One of the biggest challenges when struggling with doubt is the temptation to isolate ourselves from others. We may fear judgment, rejection, or being seen as weak in our faith. However, God has given us the gift of community to support and encourage one another. Galatians 6:2 reminds us to "carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

It's also essential to remember that doubts and questions do not negate the truth of God's Word or the reality of His love for us. In moments of doubt, we can cling to the promises found in Scripture and the unwavering character of God. As the apostle Paul declared in 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."

Option (d) represents the most healthy and beneficial response to the struggle with doubt. By reaching out to a trusted spiritual mentor or friend, you create a safe space to honestly share your struggles and receive guidance and support. This aligns with the biblical principle of seeking wisdom and bearing one another's burdens.

Options (a), (b), and (c) may be tempting in the moment but ultimately hinder growth and healing. Isolating yourself, pretending everything is fine, or seeking answers outside of your faith will only lead to further confusion and disconnection from the truth.


  1. Embrace the questions: Rather than running from your doubts, embrace them as an opportunity to deepen your faith. Bring your questions to God in prayer, trusting that He can handle your uncertainties and fears.
  2. Seek wise counsel: Reach out to a trusted spiritual mentor, pastor, or mature Christian friend. Share your struggles honestly and ask for their guidance, prayer, and support.
  3. Immerse yourself in God's Word: Spend time reading and meditating on Scripture, allowing God's truth to anchor your soul in the midst of doubt. Focus on passages that speak of God's faithfulness, love, and sovereignty.
  4. Remember God's faithfulness: Reflect on the ways God has been faithful in your life and the lives of others. Recall specific answered prayers, provisions, and moments of His presence.
  5. Practice gratitude: In times of doubt, intentionally practice gratitude. Thank God for His unchanging character, the gift of salvation, and the blessings in your life. Gratitude helps shift your perspective and renews your faith.
  6. Be patient with the process: Recognize that resolving doubts and growing in faith is a journey. Be patient with yourself and trust that God is at work, even in the midst of your struggles.

The struggle with doubt is a natural part of the Christian faith journey. Rather than viewing doubts as a weakness or failure, we can embrace them as opportunities to deepen our relationship with God and grow in our understanding of His truth. By reaching out to others, immersing ourselves in Scripture, remembering God's faithfulness, and practicing gratitude, we can navigate seasons of doubt with honesty, vulnerability, and hope. As we bring our questions and uncertainties to God, we open ourselves up to a more authentic and resilient faith, trusting that He is with us every step of the way.