Psalm 60 - Challenges

As you reflect on this psalm, remember that victory comes from God. He will take you through your challenges if you trust in him, seek his guidance, and depend on his power. You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us;

Psalm 60 - Challenges

Psalm 59 - God, Our Defender

Do you have enemies who plot and lie against you, seeking to harm you? Know that the Lord is faithful and will protect you from all evil. Deliver me from my enemies, O God;

Psalm 59 - God, Our Defender

Psalm 58 - The Power of Words

As Scripture tells us, the tongue has the power of life and death. The words we speak can heal or harm. What will you choose to do? Do you rulers indeed speak justly?

Psalm 58 - The Power of Words
Psalm 57 - Dealing with Jealousy
Psalm 56 - Conquering Fear

Psalm 55 - Betrayal

Have you been betrayed by someone close to you? How have you reacted? How does it compare with David's reaction to betrayal? Listen to my prayer, O God,

Psalm 55 - Betrayal

Psalm 54 - Overcoming Adversity

Psalm 54 prompts us to reflect on seeking God's help in times of trouble, finding refuge in him, and trusting in his unfailing love, knowing that he is our ultimate source of strength and deliverance. Save me, O God, by your name;

Psalm 54 - Overcoming Adversity

Psalm 53 - The Godless

Psalm 53 is a reminder that even though God's existence is evident in creation, there are those who deny him. Are we among them? If not, do we honor him? The fool says in his heart,

Psalm 53 - The Godless

Psalm 52 - The Narrow Path

Following Jesus and living according to his teachings requires going against the flow of the world's values and embracing a counter-cultural perspective. Are we brave enough to do this? Why do you boast of evil, you mighty hero?

Psalm 52 - The Narrow Path

Psalm 51 - The Holy Spirit

After seeing what happened to King Saul when he lost the Holy Spirit, David was terrified that God would take away the Holy Spirit from him because of his sinfulness. Can we lose the Holy Spirit? Have mercy on me, O God,

Psalm 51 - The Holy Spirit

Psalm 50 - True Worship

When we worship and serve God, are our sacrifices and service to God genuine expressions of gratitude and devotion or just something we do by rote? The Mighty One, God, the LORD,

Psalm 50 - True Worship

Psalm 49 - Heavenly Treasure

Both the psalmist and Jesus warn against placing too much value on material possessions and wealth, urging us to store treasures in heaven. Hear this, all you peoples;

Psalm 49 - Heavenly Treasure

Psalm 48 - Mount Zion

We often hear of Zion mentioned in gospel songs and sermons. But what is Zion, and what is its significance to the Christian believer? Great is the LORD, and most worthy of praise,

Psalm 48 - Mount Zion

Psalm 47 - Why Praise God?

Worship is not just a duty or obligation, but a joyful response to who God is and what he has done. We are blessed with we praise and worship God. Clap your hands, all you nations;

Psalm 47 - Why Praise God?

Psalm 46 - We Will Not Fear

When we feel overwhelmed by the chaos of life, this psalm reminds us that God is our refuge and strength, always present and always in control. God is our refuge and strength,

Psalm 46 - We Will Not Fear

Psalm 45 - The King and I

This is a wedding song, also considered a song of love between a king and his bride. The believer can see it as a song between Christ and his bride, the church. My heart is stirred by a noble theme

Psalm 45 - The King and I

Psalm 44 - Why Me, Lord?

Have you ever wondered why you are going through so much of suffering, despite being faithful and obedient to God? Here is one reason. We have heard it with our ears, O God;

Psalm 44 - Why Me, Lord?

Psalm 43 - In Times of Trouble

In times of trouble, we tend to seek out our own solutions or rely on other people for advice or help. We should go to God instead. Vindicate me, my God,

Psalm 43 - In Times of Trouble

Psalm 42 - A Thirsty Soul

David sings: As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. Do our souls pant for God as David’s did? As the deer pants for streams of water,

Psalm 42 - A Thirsty Soul

Psalm 41 - Dealing with Betrayal

Betrayal is an ugly part of life that many of us go through. How do we deal with it? We can learn a few lessons from David and Jesus, who were betrayed by those close to them. Blessed are those who have regard for the weak;

Psalm 41 - Dealing with Betrayal

Psalm 40 - Waiting on the Lord

As a general rule, we are not very patient people. We want things, and we want them immediately. But we are blessed when we wait upon the Lord. I waited patiently for the LORD;

Psalm 40 - Waiting on the Lord

Psalm 39 - The Fragility of Life

Life is fragile. Not only is it woefully short, we don’t know when it will end. However, we have eternal life that follows this. Are we investing in that life or just focused on this one? I said, “I will watch my ways

Psalm 39 - The Fragility of Life

Psalm 38 - Do You Feel Abandoned?

Find solace in the raw honesty of Psalm 38 as the psalmist navigates the depths of abandonment and discovers the unwavering presence of God amidst the pain. LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger

Psalm 38 - Do You Feel Abandoned?

Psalm 37 - Don’t Envy the Wicked

Do you envy the wicked their wealth and success? Don’t, because those who trust in the Lord will not be put to shame and will ultimately be rewarded for their faithfulness. Do not fret because of those who are evil

Psalm 37 - Don’t Envy the Wicked