On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
The best way to understand The Gospel of John is by asking questions, and three questions spring to mind here. Why did Jesus refer to his mother as "woman"? What did he mean when he said his hour has not yet come? And why did Jesus appear to change his mind?
When Jesus addresses his mother as "woman," it may seem unusual or even disrespectful. However, if we understand the cultural and linguistic context of the time we realize this isn’t so. In ancient Jewish culture, addressing someone as "woman" was not necessarily derogatory but rather a term of respect. That Jesus had tremendous respect for Mary is evident in the subsequent unfolding of events. It also helps to answer our other questions.
Jesus' response to his mother's request may seem contradictory at first. While he initially says, "Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come," he ultimately performs the miracle of turning water into wine. We can understand this apparent shift in response by considering the dynamics of the situation and the deeper spiritual meaning behind Jesus' actions.
First, Jesus saying his hour had not yet come does not mean he disregarded his mother's request. Instead, it highlights his awareness of divine timing. He recognized that the appointed time for his public ministry had not yet arrived. Jesus was mindful of God's overriding plan of salvation, which involved specific moments and events.
However, Jesus' willingness to accede to his mother's request and perform the miracle of turning water into wine demonstrates his compassion, grace, and obedience. Though the specific timing of his miracles was significant, Jesus also demonstrated his love for others and his desire to meet their needs. Mary's intercession and her trust in Jesus' abilities were factors that influenced his decision to perform the miracle.
Furthermore, this event at the wedding in Cana can be seen as a foreshadowing of Jesus' ministry and the abundant blessings he would bring. The transformation of water into wine symbolizes the new covenant and the outpouring of God's grace and blessings through Jesus. By responding to his mother's request, Jesus reveals his divine power and glory to those present, signaling the beginning of his public ministry.
Therefore, we can see Jesus' response to his mother at the wedding reflects the intricate balance between divine timing, obedience to God's plan, and his compassion for the needs of people. We must also keep these things in mind as we fulfill our mission on earth.
God bless you.