7. The Promise of Abundant Life

Jesus: "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Narrator: Have you ever wondered what it means to live a really good life? Jesus makes an amazing promise about this. He says He came so we can have a full, rich life. We find this promise in the Bible, in John 10:10.

This promise isn't just about having lots of stuff or always being happy. It's about living a life that's full of love, joy, and purpose. Jesus wants us to experience all the good things God has for us.

When we live the abundant life Jesus offers, we find happiness in helping others. We discover new things about ourselves and the world around us. We feel God's love and learn to share it with others.

This abundant life is like having a heart so full of good things that it spills over and touches everyone around you. It's about finding joy even when things are tough, and always having hope.

Today, think about what makes your life feel full and rich. How can you live your life "to the full" as Jesus promised? Maybe by being kind to someone, trying something new, or thanking God for the good things in your life?

May you experience the abundant life Jesus promises, and may it fill your days with joy and purpose.

God bless you.