6. The Promise of Freedom


Jesus: "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Narrator: Have you ever felt stuck or trapped by something? Maybe a bad habit, a fear, or a mistake you made? Jesus gives us an amazing promise: He can set us free. We find this promise in the Bible, in John 8:36.

This promise from Jesus isn't about being able to do whatever we want. It's about being free from the things that hold us back from being our best selves and living the way God wants us to.

When Jesus sets us free, we don't have to be controlled by our fears anymore. We don't have to keep making the same mistakes. We're free to love others, to forgive, and to live with joy.

This freedom is like taking off a heavy backpack we've been carrying for a long time. It makes us feel lighter, happier, and able to do things we couldn't do before.

Today, think about what you might need freedom from. Is there something that's making you feel stuck? Remember, Jesus promises to set you free. You can talk to Him about it.

May you experience the freedom Jesus offers, and may it fill your life with new hope and joy.

God bless you.