5. The Promise of Jesus’ Presence


Jesus: "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Narrator: Sometimes we might feel alone or scared. But Jesus gives us an amazing promise: He will always be with us. We find this promise in the Bible, in Matthew 28:20, as part of what we call the Great Commission.

This promise from Jesus means that no matter where we go or what we do, He is right there with us. We might not see Him, but He's always close by.

When we're happy, Jesus is there to share our joy. When we're sad or worried, He's there to comfort us. When we're not sure what to do, He's there to guide us.

His presence is like having a best friend who never leaves your side. It gives us courage when we're afraid, hope when things seem hard, and love all the time.

Today, try to remember that Jesus is with you. Whether you're at home, at school, playing with friends, at work, or anywhere else, He's right there. How does knowing this make you feel?

May you feel Jesus close to you today and always, giving you strength and love.

God bless you.