3. The Promise of Answered Prayer


Jesus: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Narrator: We all want to feel heard and understood. Jesus gives us an amazing promise: He not only listens to our prayers but answers them.

This promise from Matthew 7:7 doesn't mean we'll get everything we ask for. Instead, it's an invitation to have a relationship with God, who cares deeply about what we need and want.

When we ask in prayer, we show that we depend on God. When we seek, we turn our hearts to Him. When we knock, we show that we trust His timing and wisdom.

This promise tells us that prayer isn't just something we do out of habit. It's a conversation with a loving Father. He might not always answer in the way we expect, but He always gives us what we truly need.

Today, try talking to God with confidence. Share what's in your heart — your worries, your hopes, your dreams. Trust that He hears you and will answer in His perfect way and time.

May you feel the power and comfort of God answering your prayers today.

God bless you.